BiH Prosecution silent on crimes against civilians in Kalinovik: Key perpetrators at large in Serbia

BiH Prosecution silent on crimes against civilians in Kalinovik

On June 26, the Association of Family Members of Missing Persons from the Municipality of Kalinovik “Istina-Kalinovik ’92” will mark the 30th anniversary of the suffering of Bosniak civilians in Kalinovik.

On that occasion, they will visit former camps and execution sites in the municipality of Kalinovik, as well as lay flowers and pay tribute to the victims.

Members of the families of those killed and missing, as well as the survivors of the camp, are marking the 30th anniversary of the crimes in Kalinovik with indignation, because the key perpetrators of crimes against civilians have not been brought to justice and enjoy freedom in Serbia.

Thirty years after the crime, the Prosecutor’s Office of BiH is not taking concrete steps, although the names of the criminals are mentioned in the existing verdicts of the Court of BiH related to the crimes in Kalinovik.

“Due to the inaction of the Prosecutor’s Office of BiH in these cases, despite the insistence of the representatives of our association, we will ask the High Representative of BiH Christian Schmidt to take concrete steps in this case and call the Chief Prosecutor to be held accountable,” said the Association.

The Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina sentenced the former commander of the Kalinovik Tactical Group, Ratko Bundalo, to 22, the commander of the police station in the Kalinovik Public Security Station, Nedjo Zeljaja, to 15, and the commander of the guard at the Barutni Magacin detention camp, Djordjislav Aškraba, to seven years in prison.

Former member of the RS Army, Novica Tripković, was sentenced to eight years in prison for crimes in Kalinovik (20 years of combined imprisonment for crimes in Foča). Slavko Lalović was sentenced to five years in prison for rape, extortion and terror at a school in Kalinovik.

The Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina has handed down final prison sentences of a total of 57 years for crimes in Kalinovik, but no charges have been filed against key perpetrators.

A member of the RS Army, Dalibor Krstović aka Dado, was sentenced to nine years in prison in Serbia, but the Court of Appeals in Belgrade ordered a retrial.

Also, the Hague Tribunal (ICTY) for crimes in Kalinovik and Foča sentenced Dragoslav Kunarac, commander of a special volunteer unit, to 28 years in prison.

So far, a total of 94 years in prison for crimes in Kalinovik have been sentenced to these three war crimes courts.

The places where civilians were killed in Kalinovik are not marked. In the last war, the Kalinovik Elementary School served as a camp through which more than 1,000 women, children and men passed. 14 people were killed in that camp, and more than 30 women were raped, humiliated and tortured.

The infamous Barutni Magacin detention camp is in a dilapidated condition, and the authorities are ignoring the Association’s calls to mark the camp where traces of crime are still visible as a place of suffering.

122 Bosniaks were killed in Kalinovik. The remains of 80 people have been found and identified, and 42 civilians are still searched for.
