Citizen Advocacy

Citizen Advocacy

WGBiH is committed to the Bosnian cause and advocates for Bosnian interests.

  • Write a letter to the editor
  • Write a letter to a public official
  • Locate and communicate with your Representatives, Senators, and other officials.

Often we wonder how we, as ordinary citizens, might affect positive change with our elected officials. If you would like to become actively engaged in promoting justice and democracy in Bosnia-Herzegovina, join the Working Group and work with a focused group of Bosnian, Americans and allies.

Please keep the following in mind:

  1. Write whatever you have time and energy for. If you can dash out a sentence or two, please do. If you want to craft something longer and more detailed, please do. Most newspapers have a word limit for letters to be published.
  2. In your opening sentence refer to the news story, column, or previously published letter you are responding to by its headline (or author if it’s a letter) and the date it was published.
  3. Keep the tone of your letter respectful. Passion is fine, especially when backed up with solid facts, but avoid needlessly harsh language. Be positive whenever possible.
  4. Resist the temptation to respond to every point in the article, and pick one or two points to focus on.
  5. If you are responding to misrepresentation or bias, thank the paper for publishing the article to encourage more coverage, and then make your critical points.
  6. Send your letter to the address that we will provide in our alert. Be timely. Responding within 24 hours is best, though within 2 or 3 days is still okay, and letters are still noticed even after that. Include your full first and last name, street address, and day/night telephone numbers. Only your name and city of residence will be included if your letter is published.
  7. Newspapers will not always publish sources or links in the body of your letter. If you want to include references to support specific facts, do so but be aware that they might not be included.
  8. Use whatever relevant authority you have, for example, if you’ve had personal experience living or traveling to Bosnia-Herzegovina, if you are knowledgeable about the region, etc. However, authority can also be established by using correct facts and by writing a polite, logical, well-written letter.
  9. Proofread your letter for errors. If possible, have someone else read it for objective input.
  10. BCC or forward your letter to us separately at alerts@[to be determined]. It’s important to us to know what response is generated by our efforts.

Don’t be discouraged if your letter is not printed. Every time you submit a letter you are educating the editorial board of the paper, and you are weighing in on the side of justice when it comes to tallying how the public received a published piece.

If you do get published, the same paper will probably not publish you again for a month or two. However, please continue to write letters to the editor as numbers always count and you will be helping another person with a similar viewpoint get published.
E-Letters to the editor as numbers always count and you will be helping another person with a similar viewpoint get published.

Letters to public officials, such as members of the Senate and House of Representatives, should be clear, short, and respectful. Here are some tips:

  • Select one clear point to express, and say it in the first or second paragraphs.
  • State who you are, and include profession, affiliation, or status (book published, public office held) if it bolsters your position.
  • Make sure your “ask”—your suggestion or recommendation—is very clear.
  • Refer to current events to provide context for your comment.
  • Appeal to your representative or other public official on the basis of his or her responsibility to you as a constituent. State why your appeal matters to you and your community.
  • Respect your recipient’s position and knowledge.
  • Avoid repetition, and avoid hyperbolic language.
  • Check spelling and grammar; it is a very good idea to have someone review your draft.
  • Keep the letter short; a few paragraphs is fine.

North Los Angeles County Regional Center

Working with our organization includes participating in one or more of six subcommittees:
  1. Combating Genocide Denial & Glorification of Convicted War Criminals
  2. Constitutional & Electoral Reform
  3. Governmental & Media Outreach*
  4. Coordination with other pro-Bosnia Organizations
  5. NATO Membership for BiH
  6. Euro-Atlantic Integration and EU Accession